Tuesday, September 18, 2012

CHUNKY Charm Dangles

Think Grandma looking stuff :)

This was an inspiration tag and on the back was a list of what each  charm represented for the person receiving it. For instance the rhinestone carriage and slipper represented her "ROYAL HERITAGE - to inspire her to return to her Father living the way she knows would make Him proud" the "SCISSORS represent that after many tries to know when to sever damaging ties."

Been doing quite a few things over the summer but life got a little too busy and didn't get to post many.  Don't forget that I do make dangles FOR SALE as well.  Just send me a message.  Most BIG CHUNKY dangles range from $12 - $25 and use predominately glass beads and come with some sort of decorative presentation (tag or box).  The more you order the cheaper they are.  Here's a few examples (also if you want them soldered it's additional)
I have a few swaps to get caught up but will be adding more photos soon!!

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